
Pension Scheme Profiles 2003

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Pension Scheme Profiles 2003 is the fourth edition of this authoritative guide to the benefits provided by the UK's major occupational pension schemes. With information available from no other source, it is essential reading for scheme members, trade unionists, consultants, pension managers and anyone interested in current standards of occupational pension provision.

Pension Scheme Profiles 2003 summarises the benefits provided for new entrants by over 270 of the UK's leading pension schemes, including both defined benefit and money purchase arrangements.

The profiles include:

  • Benefit Details: Key information about the benefits the scheme provides for current new entrants, including the scheme's entry requirements, accrual rates, contribution rates, integration, calculation of pensionable earnings, guaranteed pension increases and death benefits.
  • Scheme Ratings: The unique UPS "Scheme Assessment Ratios", which measure the value of a scheme's benefits, enabling comparisons to be made readily between schemes, even those with completely different benefit structures.

For a list of the schemes in this edition click on the appropriate link below:

image Schemes A to L
image Schemes M to Y

How to get your copy: Copies are available direct from Union Pension Services Ltd.

Price: The standard price is £295.00 for individuals and non-trade union organisations. (For bone-fide trade union organisations there is a special price of £95.00). Additional copies are £95 each for all purchasers.

For more information:

  • Write to: Union Pension Services Ltd, 50 Trinity Gardens, London SW9  8DR
  • e-mail:
  • Phone: 020 7737 3799

URL: Scheme Profiles 2003.html
Layout, design and revisions ©. 2002 Bryn Davies
HTML: Megan Davies Wykes